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以上示意图是本公词所推养的标准机房及安装方法,正确安装排气、排风及曲轴箱通气管,正确选择润滑油、燃油及冷却(防冻液或防锈液), 对发电机组的正常使用及输出额定功率至关重要!详细内容可向本公司技术服  务部联系。

  The above schematic diagram is the standard machine room and installation method recommended by the company. The correct installation of exhaust, exhaust and crankcase vent pipes,and the correct selection of ubricating oil, fuel oil and cooling (antifreeze or antirust fluid) are very important for the normal use and output rated power of the generator set! For details, please contact the technical service department of the company.